I went from feeling on top of the world training slalom a few days ago, to realizing that I still have a long way to go before achieving my goals!!! Our team competed in a race yesterday in the worst possible conditions I have EVER seeN!! But I guess I let the conditions get to my head because I fell really early in the race. I guess this goes to show that training is not a race, and I need to learn how to race! SO my next week is dedicated to figuring out a new race plan every time that I approach a start gate in training. I am loving slalom and super excited to start really racing, and this is a good lesson to be learning at this point in the summer!
OTHERWISE I had a day off today and took some well needed alone time with my camera. I went for a walk and experimented with water and exposure, and later went on a little bike ride by a lake I have been meaning to check out for the past 2 years!! And it was totally worth it! I fell in love with the little bike path around the lake, and got lost in my thoughts for a very happy and peaceful hour!!
These are the pics that made me happy and helped me escape to
MY reality for a little while today.